
Meet our Frequent iFLYER of the year – Melissa Lisle

Frequent iflyer of the year winner Melissa Lisle“I started flying in January 2017 because my husband was keen to give it a go. I thought it was quite fun but wasn’t totally taken with it initially. It wasn’t until I started coming to iFLY regularly and learning different styles of flying that I fell in love.

I really enjoyed the challenge of learning and mastering new skills. It’s a lot harder than it looks, that’s for sure! I think another aspect that was really appealing was the fact that our whole family was able to learn how to fly together. There aren’t many activities where the entire family can all learn at the same time in the same class. Now we have a whole family of flying addicts!

I think in a lot of ways by coming to iFLY my life has gone in an entirely different trajectory! Before flying in the tunnel, I had no desire ever to skydive and was very afraid even to try a tandem skydiving. However now after flying in the tunnel for a year, I felt like it was something I needed to do and have now completed my AFF and can be found at the drop zone at least once a week. I’m excited to be able to take what I’ve learnt in the tunnel into the sky. Flying in the tunnel gave me the confidence to get into the sky.

melissa lisle frequent iflyerI’d also have to mention all the amazing people that I’ve met through the tunnel. I didn’t know they would be such a fantastic community of people that I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know. Such an unexpected bonus!

In the future, I would like to learn mainly freestyle flying and be able to compete in the tunnel and possibly in the sky too! I come from a background in pole dancing, so the freestyle side flying really appeals to me.

I’m so honoured to have received this amazing award, and as I mentioned I like to think they represent the amount of fun that I have had!” – Melissa

Learn more about the Frequent iFLYER Programme and the amazing community of flyers and benefits here on our website.
