Operator Sale to Western Australia Police Force

We are proud to announce a new and ongoing partnership with the Western Australian Police Force, in the first sale of our Operator LE de-escalation training system.


WA Police have implemented a $1.7M budget over a 5-year period, with their first order being valued at $1.04 million. This order includes hardware, software licensing, and on-demand technical support
over a 3-year term. The additional $634K covers licensing and support for a further two years of service.


Our Operator LE technology allows all forms of Law Enforcement – Police and otherwise – to train in realistic but completely simulated scenarios in a virtual reality environment. Compared with a physical training ground, Operator LE’s smaller virtual space and lightweight, easy-to-deploy technology, gives Law Enforcement more opportunities to enter and exit dynamic training scenarios at will. The system has been fully developed from the ground up by XRG, using the latest innovations in virtual reality technology. For a video demonstration of Operator, see http://www.operatorsimulation.com


Compared with a physical training ground, Operator LE’s smaller virtual space and lightweight, easy-to-deploy technology, gives Law Enforcement more opportunities to enter and exit dynamic training scenarios at will.

The Western Australia Police Force tendering process pitted Operator against established global competitors. The resulting success is validation of a superior product and market fit and we are excited about the future market potential. We have established an extensive pipeline of sales, receiving interest across four continents in a very short period of time.


The Western Australia Police Force currently includes over 7,300 Sworn Officers, which totals approximately 11% of Police Officers in Australia, and 0.3% of the Total Addressable Market in Law Enforcement globally.