Will Beaumont appointed as Global Sales Director

We are excited to announce that Will Beaumont has joined xReality Group Limited as our Global Sales Director.

With a strong background in technology sales leadership and 14 years experience in the Australian Defence Force, where he led major procurement and capability plans for Special Forces, Will brings a unique perspective and understanding of our military and law enforcement customers’ needs.

xReality Group focuses on developing and operating physical and digital simulations, particularly in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Our Military and Law Enforcement virtual reality simulation unit, Operator XR, has been gaining traction both domestically and internationally.

Will’s appointment comes at an opportune time, coinciding with our acceptance into the prestigious “Team Defence Australia” delegation, where we will showcase our products at ARMY-USA – the largest Army-focused conference and trade show in the United States.

As Global Sales Director, Will’s priorities include expanding our international distributor network, conducting product demonstrations for state and federal agencies, and executing our commercial sales pipeline. His enthusiasm for our solutions and their market fit reinforces our confidence in future growth.

Wayne Jones, XRG CEO, is thrilled with Will’s addition to the team, recognising his potential to drive our global sales strategy and ensure our products reach those on the frontline.

We warmly welcome Will to our team and look forward to an exciting journey ahead with xReality Group.

Read the full ASX article here.

Find out more about Operator XR here: https://operatorxr.com/

xReality Group Limited are leaders in enterprise software development for mission critical simulations for military and law enforcement. The company develops and operates physical and digital simulations. Portfolio companies include Indoor Skydiving facilities, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) entertainment, training, and production.

Operator provides Military and Law Enforcement agencies with a unique, integrated Mission Planning & Rehearsal System, which is portable, secure and highly immersive. See https://www.operatorxr.com

xReality Group Limited is listed on ASX under the code XRG.