
Northern Beaches Mums iFLY Experience

Michaela, a Northern Beaches Mum, got the opportunity to try out iFLY Downunder with her two children Thomas (11) and Melissa (7) and here is her raving review…

I’ve always wanted to say I had done a sky dive but being scared of heights you would never get me sitting in that small plane and jumping out! No way, hose!

Firstly, the centre is out at Penrith so a nice family drive, WARNING: DO NOT BE PUT OFF THAT YOU HAVE TO DRIVE… it is worth the travel? HELL YES!!!!!  This is a fantastic experience for the whole family, so if you are looking for something different to do and something that you’ll always remember, then this is it!

I was visiting the centre with my husband, my best friend from abroad and my two kids who are 11 and 7. The kids were super excited but i was feeling pretty nervous and my husband was still in shock that I’d booked this as I don’t normally go in for anything energetic and especially adrenaline pumping.

So… on arrival we started to get a little excited. It is a big centre with lots of seating where everyone can view the people that are currently in the wind tunnel area doing their sky dives. There’s also a café there with food and drink BONUS… I got cake and coffee so I was happy!

The staff are super helpful and friendly, and they took us in a room for our pre-flight training and safety talk and to get us kitted out in our flight gear, goggles and helmets. Now I was dreading putting the suit on as I thought I’d look ridiculous and fat but another bonus is that the suit was super slimming, I actually looked slimmer BONUS!!! and I was yet again feeling more and more pumped about booking this experience and ready to show the kids that this mummy still had some fun in her. Yes the nagging, tired, worn out, drained mummy was gone and here was super mama!! ready to go go go!! I could see the kids looking at me like is this really our mum… did they put something in coffee at the café!!! who hoo lets goooo!!!

It’s time for the skydive and you’re about to go in… oh wait a minute quick toilet trip for us all as we don’t want any accidents in there! Once you’re all ready you all have to put your headphones on to cancel the noise as it is REALLY NOISEY in there! So once you go in there’s lots of sign language going on (no bickering from the kids as you can’t hear a word they’re saying… BONUS).

CLICK HERE to read the full review and visit the Northern Beaches Mums website.

From the team at iFLY Downunder, thank you to Michaela and Northern Beaches Mums for visiting and writing this fantastic review of your experience!


Virtual Reality (VR) has arrived!

iFLY Indoor Skydiving Downunder, Australia’s largest facility for indoor skydiving, have introduced Virtual Reality as part of their experience offers, a revolutionary first for the Australian market.

“Virtual Reality is something we have been working towards introducing into our facilities for a long time”, comments ISAG National Marketing Manager Cheryl Dawson, “We have been waiting for the technology to become advanced enough that the experience replicates the skydiving experience perfectly, we are very excited with our new product”.

Virtual reality will allow users a real-world skydiving experience, without the need to jump from a plane or even wear a parachute.

“Our iFLY VR experience has skyrocketed our indoor skydiving offering to a whole new level. During our testing phase we had some of the country’s best skydivers using the product, with many commenting on its realism and how they felt like they were really flying outdoors!”

The iFLY VR Experience allows the user to watch POV skydiving footage on a specially designed VR helmet that takes the indoor skydiving experience outdoors.

“While you are in the safety of our wind tunnel, you will be watching mountains and even other skydivers fly by from 14,000 feet! It’s really quite incredible.”

The iFLY VR Experience combines the latest in VR technology with the state-of-the-art wind tunnel creating the most realistic skydiving experience ever offered in Australia.

iFLY VR package is now available at iFLY Downunder (Sydney West) to fly from 19th November 2018.

The technology will also land at iFLY Gold Coast and iFLY Perth by the end of the month, making it the hottest new product on the market this Christmas.

For more information, visit the iFLY website here or follow the iFLY Indoor Skydiving Facebook page here.



Tourism Australia Famil Visits iFLY Gold Coast

Attraction passes with flying colours!

FullSizeRender2Whether ‘flying’ an event off to a thrilling start, or leaving a group buzzing after a grand finale; indoor ‘skydiving’ with iFLY Gold Coast will deliver the required effect.

Even the non-participating spectators will be buzzing, as a rule, not just the actual ‘flyers’ as they defy gravity and probably their beating hearts as they leap into the big vertical wind tunnel and soar aloft. All ‘flyers’ are geared up in special flying suits and goggles and take turns in the big wind tunnel as instructors instruct, encourage and ensure their safety. It’s all about the experience of skydiving without the need to actually leap out of a plane; just a ‘leap of faith’ into the enclosed but see-through vertical tunnel.

IMG_0730Williment Travel Group’s Anna Guy, who experienced iFLY on a recent Tourism Australia famil, says of all the activities on the action-packed tour the indoor skydiving took the honours.

“We were terrified and ecstatic all at the same time and I will never forget the buzz that it left. This is a must for any event.”

The iFLY team are well versed in managing groups, specialising in team building and corporate programmes. Photos and videos, along with a private room for an ‘after-flying’ function, can all be part of the package.

See all the benefits of hosting your event at iFLY on our corporate events page.